A Realistic Baby Registry List

I remember the feeling vividly. I was pregnant with my first baby and all I wanted to do for my birthday was start my registry. I pictured tiny clothes and adorable nursery accessories with zoo animals. What I got was a pages long list of items that I absolutely needed if I wanted to survive having a newborn. I was so overwhelmed that I wound up picking out a stroller just cause I liked the color and then got so overwhelmed that we left the store and didn’t go back for almost a month!

Finding a realistic baby registry list can feel daunting. Any store dedicated to baby items will have a long list of items that can be extremely overwhelming. Its hard to decipher what you will actually need and what is just unnecessary. We have compiled a list of what we would consider the basics of what you will want to add to your registry or your list to purchase before baby makes their way into your lives.

*We are a member of the Amazon affiliate partnership program. Any links to products on Amazon are affiliate products and we may get paid a small commission when you make a purchase at no cost to you. The items we recommend here are all products that we have used ourselves and would truly recommend to others.

For a printable version of this list, click here

Registry List


Infant tub or sling chair – If you have a tub in your home you will be fine with just a mesh sling chair for the tub. If you want an actual infant tub I really liked the 4moms clean water tub. It has a thermometer on it and clean water flows in just in case baby poops in the tub.

Hooded Towels


Baby Wash/Shampoo

Bath Toys – the ones that squirt water tend to mold so I wouldn't recommend those. Or you can put a drop of hot glue over the hole so water doesn't go in.

Faucet cover


Waterproof mattress protector – It can be super helpful to get 2 of these. Layer the bedding (protector, sheet, protector, sheet) so if baby has a messy diaper in the middle of the night, you can just pull of the top 2 layers and put baby back to bed.

Fitted crib sheets – The expensive bedding sets aren't useful as you cant use the blankets, bumpers, or pillow cases anyway

Co-Sleeper – If you plan to have baby in your room with you and want a separate sleep space, I really like the arms-reach co-sleeper. It side-cars right to your bed so you can quickly grab baby for late night feeds.

Co-Sleeper Sheets


Diapers – Cloth or disposable. (1-2 boxes newborn, and 2-3 boxes of other sizes)


Diaper Pail – I find the easiest to use is a cheap flip top trash can. The diaper genie type pails tend to smell and don't hold much.

Diaper Cream – I really like Boudreaux's butt paste or simple coconut oil works well too

Aquaphor (healing ointment) – if you have a boy and plan to circumcise you will need this for healing


(If breastfeeding, all of these will be useful. If formula feeding, only the ones with a star next to them will be useful)

Breast Pump – I really like the spectra. Whichever you choose I really like going through aeroflow breast pumps. They will handle your insurance and mail your pump directly to your home.

Extra Pump parts

Battery Pack – If you are planning on returning to work or you will be pumping frequently, this is really helpful to have.

Breastmilk Storage Bags – Medela or Lansinoh are great. The off brand ones tend to leak.

Pump Cleaning Bags & Wipes – These will allow you to clean your pump parts without water and the bags will sanitize parts in the microwave.

Nursing Pillow – I like the My Brest Friend Pillow.

Nursing Bras – I would get 1-2 to start as you wont know how much your breasts will grow until your milk fully transitions.

Washable Breast Pads- These go inside your bra or nursing tank top to absorb leaks.

Nursing Tank tops- These are so versatile and comfortable.

Nipple Cream – any Lanolin will work or coconut oil

Nursing Pads* – disposable or washable. If you are planning to formula feed, a few of these can be helpful in those first days while you may still leak colostrum

Haakaa silicone breast pump – You suction this to the opposite breast when you are breastfeeding and it uses gentle suction to collect milk. Such a life saver for building up a freezer stash for when you are away from baby.

Nursing Cover – This is totally your personal preference. If you want a cover for nursing in public, go for it. If you don't want to deal with it, don't worry about it.

Bottles and Nipples* – You will want size 0 and 1 nipples – Some parents choose to go up to size 2 at some point but its not necessary. We had luck with the Mam bottles, but some babies are difficult to find the right nipple shape. It can be helpful to ask for a few different types and see which baby likes best.

Bottle Brush *

Bottle Drying rack *

Bottle Warmer* – Some babies are just fine drinking cold milk/formula, others really prefer it warm

High chair or space saver chair*

Bibs* – I like the silicone ones with a pocket to catch dropped food.



Rocking Chair or Glider

Changing table & Cover – I like the ones that sit right on top of the dresser to save space.

White noise machine

Baby Monitor – I like the Yi dome camera. Its actually a security camera but it works great, is much cheaper than some expensive video monitors and works with an app on your phone.

Night light or lamp


Car Seat – Oftentimes you can get a stroller/infant seat combo that comes with a base for the car.

Extra base if you have 2 cars


Stroller bunting for cold weather

Baby Carrier

Baby wrap – there are stretchy wraps and woven wraps. It's really your preference.

Diaper Bag

Play yard – Super useful for nights away


Swing or bouncer – Its a trial and error on what your baby will like.

Activity Mat

Teething toys – we really like the Nuby Nananubs Banana Teether and the Comotomo silicone teether as they are easy for baby to grab and hold onto

Infant Seat – We really like the Fisher Price Sit-Me-Up seat as it is better for hip development than the Bumbo seat

Rattles or crinkle toys


Footed Pajamas (5-10 in various sizes)

Onesies – Long & short sleeve (5-10 in various sizes)

Soft pants or leggings (5-10 in various sizes)

Light sweaters or sweat shirts (3-4 in various sizes)

Coming home outfit

Swaddles – I like the ones with Velcro and the soft muslin fabric ones

Sleep Sacks

Burp cloths


Scratch mits

Weather dependent – Sun hats, swim suits, snowsuit, mittens, booties


Nail Clippers


Nose Frida – I know it looks gross, but its so helpful!

Saline Nasal Drops or Spray

Books – also check if your area is eligible for the Dolly Parton imagination library. They will send you a free book each month. (Our particular area is not eligible but we have it sent to my in-laws house)


Doula support - Ask your friends and family to chip in on birth or postpartum doula support.

Photography - Ask for a gift certificate towards your favorite maternity, birth, newborn or family photographer.

Wag Walks - This is a great option for those with furry family members. Loved ones can gift you a dog walker so you have one less thing to worry about.

Hopefully this list is a little more concise than the other ones out there. If you missed the link to download a printable version without affiliate links, here it is again!

Did we forget something? leave us a comment so we can add it to the list!

“To give birth to your baby is to forever implant a piece of yourself into another person”


The Birth of Maxine


Advocating for Myself in Pregnancy