The Birth of Maxine

All photos shared with client permission

Spectrum Health - The Womens Center

Birth Photo: Hospital Birth, Tug of War
Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers-strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.
— Barbara Katz Rothman.e
Birth Photography: Skin to Skin
Birth Photo: Newborn baby lays on moms chest looking directly at the camera.
Birth Photo: Newborn baby enjoys skin to skin while smiling up at mom.
Birth Photo: Newborn baby lays on moms chest looking directly at the camera.
Birth Photo: Couple holds hands during labor
Birth Photo: New baby is born and placed on moms chest
Birth Photo: New baby is born
Birth Photo: New mom smiles as she holds her newborn baby
Birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a woman can have.
— Robin Lim
Birth Photography: New parents hold hands as their newborn baby lays on moms chest and looks into camera
Birth Photography: Hospital Birth
Birth Photography: Breastfeeding
Birth Photos
Birth Photography: First Latch
Birth Photography: New mom works on that first nursing session as dad admires
An infant’s smile was the greatest promise that the world would go on, no matter how much the grown-ups mucked around with it.
— Janice Maynard
Birth Photography: Newborn baby smiles up at dad while enjoying skin to skin
Birth is an experience that demonstrates that life is not merely function and utility, but form and beauty.
— Christopher Largen

The Birth of Miles


A Realistic Baby Registry List